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Sales to Achieve Income Goal

Project the total volume of sales transactions required to achieve your desired income for the year.



Income From Each Side: $10500

Total Sales Closed to Meet Income: 5

Sales Volume Needed


Win More Business

Lead to Closing Ratios Analysis

Check your Lead-to-Client-to-Closing conversion assumptions to fine tune your marketing plan and income goals. Use last 12 months data, or best available information for your market.


Lead Conversion Ratio: 10.00%

Closing Ratio of Clients: 20.00%

Income from the Sale


Win More Business

Investment in Leads to Reach Income Goal

How much you should invest in marketing and lead generation depends on lead-to-close rate. Analyze your investment into lead generation and other marketing expenses to evaluate return-on-investment (ROI) and gross income.



Closed Sales to Meet Income: 5

New Clients in 12 Months: 27

New Leads in 12 Months: 267

New Leads per Week: 5

New Leads per Month: 22

Lead Generation Investment Required: $5,333

Total Marketing Expenses: $15,333

Return on Investment


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